Sharing has paramount benefits on both sides. None is neither omniscient nor omnipotent,
we need a multilateral collaboration and cooperation to win the system. What one’s crying
with might be what another one is crying for; so sharing can bridge that gap. This site is
a hub for personal reasearch projects, class projects, and other experiences that are worth
sharing. The goal is to make it is easier to share a work/project to raise awareness on different
topics/issues and learn from the audience’s feedback. Research is a powerful tool to understand a
given topic, make unbiased policy, and challenge the status quo. Reaserch is a great learning
experience that is beneficial to both the researcher and the audience. Reasearchers are making
a great contribution in a lot of changes that have happened. To make a contribution to economic
development of Burundi, one of the main ongoing projects that pass through this site is economic
research project on Burundi. We use both quantitative and qualitative data analysis technics when
treating a certain topic to understand causal relationship between variables of interests
Data analytics tools:
R studio
Noe Vyizigiro is a Burundian born citizen. Born and grew up during a preriod of war between rebel groups whot were looking for overturning the government. Before even starting a primary school, Noe’s assigned job was to tend his family sheep and protect them from the rebel groups. He continues that task even after starting a school; he had to spent months in remote areas by himself hiding the sheep. Growing up in a family of 10 children, he suffered from diminishing marginal resource share per child due to resource depletion. So, he grew up combining educaion and work to finanance his education. Despite that hectic condition, Noe saw academic success through his academic journey. He’s currently a senior at Middlebury College where he’s doing a bachelor of arts in Economics with a minor in Global health. He’s currently working on research projects on Burundi to understand what factors are contributing to the slugglish economic growth of Burundi and how to improve it.